Seton Catholic juniors, Jack Albright and Nick Berger, are taking part in a groundbreaking world-wide STEM initiative called evGrandPrix today! Both students have been crucial members of the Wayne County 4-H Motorsports’ inaugural year. They have contributed their engineering skills to the building of an electric go-kart.
evGrandPrix was started in 2009 at Purdue University through a $6 million grant from the Department of Energy to expand electric vehicle education through a competitive racing event. By 2015, Purdue Motorsports expanded the event to include a high school competition. As the event has grown in popularity, evGrandPrix now has teams coming to compete from all over the world, including England and China. evGrandPrix has partnered with the Indianapolis Motor Speedway to host the event, and the event is now considered a part of the 2-week long festivities of the Indy 500.
Teams not only build an electric go-kart, but they also prepare and deliver a complex presentation that must meet strict guidelines related to public relations, marketing, fundraising, and kart set-up. The program is truly an academic challenge. For more information and specific guidelines, visit .