Each year the Young Men’s Institute, better known as the YMI, conducts a national essay writing contest. The contest is open to any Catholic student in a private or public school. The essay itself must be no more than 500 words, and is judged on content, neatness, grammar, spelling and adherence to contest rules.
This year we are pleased to announce that we had seven winners in the contest, all receiving a cash prize. Three junior high students placed in the top 15 answering the question “What can you do to start and energize your church’s youth program? Provide specific examples to explain your plan.” Our junior high winners were Haven Handley (5th place), Elizabeth Daoud (7th), and Carina Feliciano (8th).
The high school topic addressed the topic of law enforcement. The prompt read “Despite controversies, many people look to law enforcement for guidance and help. What can be done to encourage young people to enter this profession and maintain high ethical standards? Specifically, what can you do to assist in that process?”.
Hats off to freshman, Jana Clemente, for placing first in the high school competition! Also placing in the top 15 were Jack Fraley (8th), Jackie Clemente (7th), and Landry Cox (14th). Join us in congratulating all of these great young thinkers and writers!