Indiana Choice Scholarship (Vouchers)
The State of Indiana provides a partial tuition payment for eligible families who are enrolled at Seton Catholic Schools by September 1 each school year. If there are more applicants for a grade level than there are seats available, a lottery will be held to determine which students may enroll. The amount of the scholarship is based on your income and household size as well as the school district where you reside.
Tax Credit Scholarships
(Also known as SGO Scholarships.) Eligible families receive $500 in scholarship toward their tuition made available through private donations that are made to a Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO) and designated to Seton Catholic Schools. Because they are donor funded, there are a limited number of SGO scholarships available in any school year. Eligibility is based on household size and income.
Seton Catholic Tuition Assistance
Each school year, Seton Catholic provides tuition assistance supported by donations and endowments designated for scholarships. Any family can apply, and the amount of assistance is based on the resources of your family compared with tuition cost for your student(s). This calculation is done by a 3rd party organization, FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment (FACTS).
Indiana Choice Scholarship
Choosing to invest in your student’s future by providing a Seton Catholic education can seem overwhelming for some families. Seton Catholic will work with you to answer all of your questions, and help you secure the best tuition assistance possible.